Monday, April 30, 2012

And the end is near . . Math tubs the final weeks of school

O.K, it is that time of year, and so I don't think I will do anymore week by week blogs, not that I have been the best with that, but here are several activities that I will do over the next month. I have started with several apps, and I will come back and add names later. Most have links, but let me know if one doesn't work. Testing will be on my mind alot in the next few weeks, along with survival. :) You know what I mean! Enjoy!

First Grade math is the name of the app found above. (sorry they are sideways)

This is a cute counting game here and the second on is an addition (Top it) with cards AND who has more, LOVE this game.

The block game is called Qvoid, and the second one is great for ordering numbers.

This is a great game for putting numbers in order, and the pattern one is great too.

Caboose - wonderful game on putting things in order by size and making patterns.

Math puppy is great for addition. Ten frame one is called Find Sums.

Sea Math is this app

Kid's patterns is the name of this patterning one. And then Math for Kids is this app.

Twenty Something The children move the sets of ten to make twenty and then roll and see how many ones they will need.

Making numbers in the twenties the children roll and add the ones, and then they write the number.

How many - the children pick the correct answer.

20 - 30's and here is the link to it!


Another Bump game.

A fun 3D game.

Mouse Ears the children roll a number, put that number in the ear, roll again, put that number in the ear and then pull them all down in the face, and you have an addition problem!

Shape sort and here is one for the computers. Here is the one pictured. The children just sort the shapes into bowls, when they finish, they can use the 3D shapes. I love to hear the conversations going on as they discuss the shapes. :)

Butterfly addition - I use the big sheet for a few weeks before I introduce the smaller sheet. I have the children then draw dots on the butterflies before they write the answers.

Robot roll, the children are to roll the dice and then I have laminated the robot to save paper, so I just have the students trace over the shape they roll, the goal is to trace all the shapes.

Loose tooth subtraction, but I plan on using it for addition also, there is a copy of the same face with no teeth and the kids can add the teeth as they roll it. There are really great possibilities with this download.

Stacks is a game of putting numbers in order. It comes with an I can card, which helps with independence. It did cost me $2.00, but I haven't bought much for a while. :)

Domino Math - This is the same game I had in this blog, but I made it on two sheets instead of one.

One more and one less, I will search for this link, cute game that children roll and lay a cube on top. I like that it has different forms of numbers. I love to switch it up!

Shape-O is an old Mailbox game, just a bingo game with 3D shapes.

And last but not least, this is my new favorite - the kids use regular cards, (I bought a box with two sets at the Dollar Tree) and they turn over one card and then another card and write the math sentence. I love this because it is like the math game they are playing on the iTouches, but now they transfer their knowledge to real life.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Puzzels and Big Numbers

This week my focus is bigger numbers, the children are still using my little homemade numbers that we used last week to put number in order from 9 - 25. The children have a stack of the cards face down in front of them, they draw a card and show me that number with the square tiles. I try to encourage the children to LINE up their items so counting is easier for me! (and them) Here is a cute game that I found, they fill a jar and later there is a recording sheet that goes along with this that uses the ten frame.

These are just foam pieces cut for filling in with pattern blocks. I have about 6 different shapes for the students to fill in. Ten frame game, it has a add section and the children add the number together on a ten frame. great game!

The apple iTouch is a great tool, the children do a variety of math games, from addition, to math vocabulary, to tangrams. They love them.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The last quarter of math tubs. Here we go . . .

MATH DAY! This week our school had a Math Day for the kids. The upper grades had a chance to choose what they wanted to do, but us here in Kindergarten, we just did a Croc Crawl. Where the children spend 45 minutes in one class working on one concept. In my class, we focused on spatial relations, so here is our day!

Here the children are using pentomines, that I bought from a teacher store with the cards, I believe Carson Delosa.

This is a great Tangram game by ABCya!

I used my touches as one of the stations, I have found two great tangram games.

Just tangrams here, they are asked to make a square using all seven pieces. I always give them a little time to try it by themselves before I give a little help. Some children will surprise you!

Here the children are filling in pattern blocks shapes, they start at the letter A and go through the letter F.

Tangram cards I have bought, some have the lines for the kids and some do not. They love these cards.

Shapes using pattern blocks and foam cut outs.

A different Tangram app for the touch.

And that is it! We roatated to 7 different tables about 4-5 minutes per table. I introduced

the tangram computer game on the SMART board to the class and I also showed them the tangrams in a square so they knew it could be done! They did a a great job and they day was great!

Here is a neat blog I found that has some cool things I will probably use next week: