Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Nomination for the Liebster Blog award

Nomination for the Liebster Blog award

 I'm happy to say that Lucy over at Kids Math Teacher has nominated me for a Liebster Blog award.  Thanks, Lucy
The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers (less than 200 followers) by established bloggers, in order to recognize them, let them know that they are appreciated, and to spread the word about new blogs. The rules are:

  • You must post 11 random things about yourself.
  • Answer the questions that the nominators set for you.
  • Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
  • Choose 11 blogs you love (with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post.
  • No tag back, (but please leave me a comment on this post with the URL to your Liebster post so that I can learn more about you!)
Ok, so here are 11 random facts about me:

  1. I love teaching.
  2. I love animals.
  3. I love to travel.
  4. I work hard all year so I LOVE summer.
  5. Night owl, not a morning person.
  6. I want to write a children's book - maybe one day
  7. I wanted to be anything, not a teacher.
  8. Now I couldn't imagine doing anything else.
  9. I love to watch movies with the family.
  10. I love technology andI can loose sleep when ideas get rolling in my head!
  11. I'm into scrapbooking, but I will have to say, I will soon move to all digital - that will be a sad day.

Questions asked by Lucy:

My questions to my award nominees are...
1. What are a few of your goals?  to make learning fun, EVERY day in EVERY way.
2. Who's your hero?  Mrs. Alexander - the first Kindergarten class I walked into and her moto was to love them first - amazing classroom full of loved children that loved learning.
3. Favorite thing to watch?  Children learning - eyes lighting up, and any movie at night (while I am working on school work.)
4. Favorite sport to play?  Use to be basketball, now . . . running I guess - getting to old for sports!!
5. Personal positive quote?  Everyone makes mistakes!  Even grown-ups


Questions I'm asking my nominees?
  1. Why did you get into education?
  2. How many years have you been teaching?
  3. What made you decide to start a blog?
  4. What's your favorite season and why?
  5. Morning or Night owl?
  6. Pets?
  7. Hobbies?
  8. Best thing about teaching?
  9. Worst thing about teaching?
  10. Cool fact about your school?
  11. Neat fact about your classroom.

Blogs I'm nominating:

  1. The Wild World of Kindergarten
  2. Kindergarten Fever
Don't forget to comment and leave a link to your post when you've answered :)

My questions to my award nominees are...
1. What are a few of your goals?  to make learning fun, EVERY day in EVERY way.
2. Who's your hero?  Mrs. Alexander - the first Kindergarten class I walked into and her moto was to love them first - amazing classroom full of loved children that loved learning.
3. Favorite thing to watch?  Children learning - eyes lighting up, and any movie at night (while I am working on school work.)
4. Favorite sport to play?  Use to be basketball, now . . . running I guess - getting to old for sports!!
5. Personal positive quote?  Everyone makes mistakes!  Even grown-ups