Here is the necklace I use to keep the kids accountable. I hang it with yarn around their neck upside down, so they can see their name and numbers correctly. As they go to a tub (each has a number) they mark that number on their math necklace allowing me to see quickly which students need to go to which math tub.
Christmas Tubs look like these:
This is great for those tricky teen numbers, my neighbor shared this with me and we painted by number
Grid game: This is a great game the kids love. You just roll a number and place that many manipulative on the snowman. Each child has a different eraser and at the end, when the board is full, you count how many you have and that person with more, Wins!
I buy the stamps in Walmart in the seasonal section - students just stamp the pattern they would like on the strip of paper - I do remind them to PICK TWO stamps - otherwise they will have a very decorated strip. :)
All I did for this one is cut a triangle and draw little circles on it, students roll a number and place that number of pom poms on their trees. This can be done as an individual or as a competition using two different colors of pom poms.
Just a set of cards to play the Ten Frame Game:
10 Frame Card Game
deck of cards without Jack, Queen, King
2 players
● Jokers are wild. Pass out 10 cards face down in a ten frame design (5 on top, and five below).
● Place remaining cards in the middle with one card face up beside draw pile.
● First player draws a card and places that card in the proper place in his ten frame.
● Player continues by turning and placing cards until he can no longer make a move.
● Discard the last unneeded card.
● Next player takes a turn by choosing the discarded card or a card from the draw pile.
● First player to turn all cards and have them in the proper place wins.
Hint: You can decide before the game if you can move the wild card as you need to.
Hint #2: You can also use only the top of the 10 frame and make it the 5 frame game. Take out numbers 6-10.
Just Stickers for making a pattern in this tub! Again - remind friends to pick two different ones - or they will just be playing with stickers!
This is a craft and a math activity - students place the tree in order from the largest to the smallest. You can decorate it with sight words on the ornaments, or numbers, or letters, depending what the student is working on.
These are just free handed cut triangles and rectangles - write a teen number on and then let the students punch that number of holes in the tree. Later they can add tissue paper behind the holes to make it beautiful!

This is from Heidi Song and she has some great free things here.
The Month of December and the first bit of January looked like these:
Search my clog for these, I have a link to the dot to dot cards you can make yourself. This is an old Math Their Way idea.
This is the Link to this game - cut the smaller pieces and they students place the smaller piece on the correct match of the full sheet
These are just number stickers - students made teen numbers and stuck that number of stickers on a sheet of paper.
Here is the packet that I found this little gem - the packet is awesome.
I just drew this by hand, and then added a one to make it a teen game as they became more familiar with their numbers and how to print them.
November 2019 tubs looked like this:
September and October:
Grandpa's workshop
They are measuring and writing the number in the circle.
They just took shapes here and make a picture.
I got these from Scholastic