Monday, February 27, 2012

Ending Feb and beginning March: math tubs

I can't believe the month is gone! I REALLY thought I had kept up with this blog better than I did this month. SO sorry. Last week we really focused on recording patterns, I just realized last week that we had made patterns in a lot of different ways, but I had not allowed my students to record them. Surprisingly, it went very well. But here are a couple SMART board lessons.

And another one:

More or Less game - I like this one because they play it like war, but when they turn over the number they have to show the number on the board, then they roll to see who takes the card. It goes a little slower than war, but I like the 1 to 1 correspondence.

Another BUMP game, it comes with frogs to put on the numbers, but I am still using unifix cubes and the kids love it. I will soon introduce the concept of addition and show them that they have been doing it all year! ( and the link also give you a cute roll a frog game too!)
Shifty shapes, we have been naming shapes at calendar and it was brought up one morning that a trapezoid looks like half of a hexagon -so exciting! So I pulled out this activity so they can see all the different ways to make a hexagon - problem today is they only wanted to make one with ONE color and not mix it up. I guess tomorrow I will have to model a little more. :)

Tic Tac toe - just took an old game and added a one to all of the numbers so we can practice writing and saying our teen numbers - this years groups will KNOW their teens.

Bears on stairs - children make the stairs and then walk their bear up to see if it is correct. Easy, no prep work and the kids love it!

So as I look ahead, I will need to start a few assessments next week, just to knock them out. Lots of the skills this quarter they children KNOW, so it should go easily. I need to focus on attributes a little more, we are doing this in morning meeting, but I am having a difficult time working as a teacher at a table in Math tubs because of my challenging class this year.

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