Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Numbers, Numbers and shapes

I am moving this week to more sets and numbers.  We are still working on a number book in small groups in the morning, they are learning the poems and the correct way to write the number.  I am down to only three children who do not recognize all their numbers, so it is time to move on to sets!
I posted alot of items in my last blog, some of which I am still introducing this week, so I only have a few things new for this week. 

I found this cute game on Pinterest and the students did really well yesterday with this game.

Show me the number game

O.K.  I try to teach math one day a week or every two weeks, whole group.  This gives me an opportunity to teach a new concept.  I also use my Morning Meeting time to review various skills.   Here all the children have a set of card like those below (I made them with index cards and rings- all found at Walmart)  The children have the numbers 0-9 on their ring and I have a piano.  I tap out three keys and the children are to show me their number card three.  I continued this mixing the numbers up, sometimes fast and some slow.  This is a great activity because the children really have to listen and the room is very quiet. :)  Last week I did only this, now this week I hope to add manipulatives. The children will show me the number card and then they count out the number with the manipulative on their table.

Now here is a link back to last week, I am still using several of those activities.  And if you did not follow last year, I will also be throwing in some of the activities from this blog.  Enjoy your week!

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