Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year - ways to make numbers


Well, this new Common Core has been very different than the way I have done things in several years, so readjusting Math Tubs has been quite a challenge.  Sorry for the delay and slow post this year, I am just trying to find the best way to teach several concepts with the least amount of steps.  So here I go . . 

I made this to work with combinations of numbers.   I wanted children to organize their thoughts so that they will be able to find ALL the combinations possible without question.  I hope this makes sense to you!  I created a sheet that has five squares.  I had the children put their name and numbers on the sheet first.  Name at the top and then they numbered the lines of squares 0 - 5 on the left hand side.  Pencils down and then they glued a purple square in the left corner and a green square in the right corner ( I also did this with circles and we used bingo markers and they used the two colors I gave them)  The squares are just to help them remember what they are doing.  So now they have a 0 under the purple square meaning NO purples go there, so what goes there?  Well ALL green, then the next row has a 1, telling us 1 purple, and the rest are green and so on.  When they finish that all the way down the paper, they then write the numbers down the right side of the paper.  They count the green squares now and write that number on the right side.  So they should have the numbers going backward 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.  
After a couple weeks of doing this, I have explained to my higher children how to use those numbers to  make a number sentence under each one.  

I have been doing this for several weeks now, I moved to the number 6 last week and I think my students have finally caught on to the pattern that I have tried to create.  

 This is the start of the paper.
This student is putting on her squares.
 This student is counting her green squares and writing the numbers beside.

I am surprised by one thing - not one of my students have just automatically written their numbers down the right side.  Now some of them have written them without counting - but not just as a set up tool, I have waited to see, but no one yet!  

On this occasion, I picked the colors, the place to put them and how it was to be done.  Since this activity, the students have had the opportunity to pick their color choice and how they arrange their color choices.  

These are old AIMS cards that I picked up years ago.  I just laminated them and put the cards on rings and the children read the cards and "sketch" out their pictures and write their answers.  This math tube was teacher directed, and has now become independent.  The only thing I might do to change this is to write the number under the number word, but my students have learned to use the resource in the room to figure it out, so I will not change this now. :)

 I still love this website, I have saved it on the desktops under my log in and I can quickly pull this up and the students do not log off, they just walk away when the bell rings to change.

They are now up to game number 4, add.  The students are given a math problem, and they make the first number on the ten frame, then they make the second number on the second ten frame, and then they put the two numbers together.  The students then types in the correct number to answer the addition problem.  LOVE this game

I have also found this great book to help with Story word problems.  I do these mainly whole group, and I have the students use white boards to show their answers.  It quickly shows how some are catching on and others, well not so much.  I am always surprised when some of my top kids get tricked by some of the problems.  I love how this books starts WAY back at the beginning, sometimes we as educators jump in assuming the children know how many legs a bug has, or even a hen for that matter!  

I am still working on making teens with some of these activities from last years blog, and I am using story mats, and  the bowl game.


  1. WOW! Love the activity you created! I went and played that game as well...such a great game to visualize adding/subtracting and anchoring numbers within 10! Thanks for the resources.

    I am also a Kindergarten teacher and I feel ya with the CC. Do you have full-day or half-day Kindergarten?

    1. Thanks Hannah! I teach full day. I don't really know how those teachers that teach half day get it all in!

  2. Oh my goodness - I just found your blog - just the title of your blog alone made me so excited to explore your blog!!!! Thanks for all of the amazing ideas for math!

  3. great blog,,,got a lot of good activities to take back to my room and start my math tubs. Thanks.
