We finally made it to the 100th day of school. We started the day off with a hat made with 10, ten frames with 100 dots made with markers. We counted out 100 things to eat for snack, we weighed various items that had 100 things and placed them in order by weight. (cotton ball, quips, paper plates, pennies, spoons, craft sticks, beans, straws, toothpicks, etc) We then ended our day in math tubs doing 6 different stations. Here they are:
The students were filling out the ten frame here with a little help if they needed it, some students I stopped at 30 and sent to the computer to play this game. Others went over when they finished.
I had a great volunteer working with this station - 100 seconds - how many squats, push ups, hopping on one foot, etc can you do?
This is just a sheet that the sudents made ten sets of ten unifix cubes.
Here is a coloring sheet with the number 100 that they have a math addition problem to solve and color it the correct color.
and here 100 stickers and guessing how many in the jars and if the number was more or less than 100. Busy busy day and truthfully so glad it is over!!
Congrats for completing 100 Days. All the very best.