This is a game I found on
Teachers Pay Teachers, it can be played lots of different ways, plus it is a blank board I can use it for other activities.

I use my haunted houses for numbers, the children can roll a die, flip the flip card and show the number plus put that numbe of skeletons on the board. You can also make this independent by rolling a die and putting that number on the house.
Grid board game: children roll the dice, one child is white and one is black, and they put their color game piece on the board. Friend rolls and does the same. When the board is full or clean up time, they count to see who had the most.

Just a couple file folder games I will use this week while I start assessment at my table.

Rolling and showing the number and PUSHING as they check themselves to the blue side.

Something here I have just found, the children sort these and can make patterns with these. They LOVE these.

Cut leaves from the die cut, today we choose TWO colors to make an AB pattern.

Here on the Jack-o-lantern faces that we talked about today, we talked about what was the SAME about all of these (color, shape, size, all had faces, all can be on a jack-o-lantern, etc) And then we talked about what was different. (some have eye-brows, some do not, some have happy, some are sad, some had circle eyes, some do not, some have triangle noses, some do not, etc) We also had time to sort a few of them.

Just a counting sheet. Here is a

My children loved this today, they rolled the dice, and then drew that number of teeth on the monster. They also wrote the number on the top or bottom of the monster. It is also included in that link above.