Here the students are playing Grab, Move, Show. The students GRAB a handful of the gems, place them on one side of the paper, MOVE them to the other side as they count, and SHOW the number. The skill I am trying to teach is to MOVE the items in order to count them properly.
And they learn to grab more or less as the goal is to get a teen number. :)
Dots to show the number in ten frames.
Lakeshore game focusing on 11-15
Teen tic tac toe
The Postman game from ICT. Here is the link
Excellent for teen numbers.
I just received a grant for a light table and science items, YEAH, so I am using my light table here in math to work with tangrams. The children are trying to make a square using all seven pieces. Or at least different shapes using a couple of pieces.
Teen Bingo! (with a parent helper)