We are working on using different ways to sort than just color, size, shape. I am looking to increase their vocabulary, so we are using texture, height, and weight. I introduced this yesterday during Morning Meeting, and then today they put it work!
Ordering numbers 9 - 20.
Showing numbers in both hands on and writen form.
Find one more game. So sorry, I can't find this exact one anymore, but their are alot of these out there on TPT. The children roll the die, and add one more to the number and cover THAT number. First time playing today, and several friends were only covering the numbers they rolled and wondered why there was a 7 on the board? Too funny. Another day with this and we will good to go!
Dr. Suess brought us this great game, and it only takes running two and you have a game for Math Tubs.
And that will do us for this week and next. Enjoy!
And that will do us for this week and next. Enjoy!